A student must be check D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus pdf 2022-23 and Subjects before taking the admission in the D Pharm course.
Recently Pharmacy Council of India changes the whole syllabus of D Pharm Courses. Due to which the students getting trouble in understanding the syllabus of the d pharma course. Carewell Pharmacy is going to make it easy for you to understand the syllabus of d pharmacy.
D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus pdf 2022-2023
D Pharma [ Diploma in Pharmacy ] is a two year pharmacy course. D
Pharma 1st Year Syllabus covers the concepts of various important subjects
such as :-
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Pharmacognosy
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Social Pharmacy
The D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus enables the students to learn about the various chemical
compounds, application and their medicinal uses.
You can also download the D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus pdf from the below link.
Topic | Syllabus |
D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus | Download |
D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus pdf 2022
The Syllabus is provided according to the subject wise. By using
the 💡 Table of Content, you can
directly redirect to your required subject.
The syllabus is further divided into
PRACTICAL part. So check
the syllabus very carefully.
Table of Content :- |
1. Pharmaceutics
Pharmaceutics is a subject of D Pharmacy 1st Year. Its syllabus is
divided in THEORY and
check out the syllabus.
Chapter | Topics |
1. | History of Pharmacy |
2. | Packaging Materials |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. | Quality Control and Quality Assurance |
7. | Novel Drug Delivery System |
- Handling and referring the official references : Pharmacopoeias, Formularies, etc. for retrieving formulas, procedures, etc.
- Formulation of the following dosage forms as per monograph standards and dispensing with appropriate packaging and labelling.
- Liquid Oral : Simple syrup, Piperazine citrate elixir, Aqueous Iodine solution
- Emulsion : Castor oil emulsion, Cod liver oil emulsion
- Suspension : Calamine lotion, Magnesium hydroxide mixture
- Ointment : Simple ointment base, Sulphur ointment
- Cream : Cetrimide cream
- Gel : Sodium alginate gel
- Liniment : Turpentine liniment, White liniment BPC
- Dry powder : Effervescent powder granules, Dusting powder
- Sterile Injection : Normal Saline, Calcium gluconate Injection
- Hard Gelatine Capsule : Tetracycline capsules
- Tablet : Paracetamol tablets
- Formulation of at least five commonly used cosmetic preparations - e.g. cold cream, shampoo, lotion, toothpaste etc.
- Demonstration on various stages of tablet manufacturing processes.
- Appropriate methods of usage and storage of all dosage forms including special dosage such as different types of inhalers, spacers, insulin pens.
- Demonstration of quality control tests and evaluation of common dosage forms viz. tablets, capsules, emulsion, sterile injections as per the monographs.
2. PH Chemistry
PH Chemistry is a Subject of D Pharma 1st Year. Its Syllabus is divided
in THEORY and
Check out the Syllabus.
Chapter | Topics |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. | Nomenclature of organic chemical systems |
5. |
6. |
7. |
8. | Diuretics |
9. | Hypoglycemic Agents |
10. |
11. |
12. |
13. | Anti-Neoplastic Agents |
- Limit test for :-
- Chlorides
- Sulphate
- Iron
- Heavy metals
- Identification tests for Anions and Cations as per Indian Pharmacopoeia
- Fundamentals of Volumetric analysis :-
- Preparation of standard solution and standardization of Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Permanganate
- Assay of the following compounds :-
- Ferrous sulphate- by redox titration
- Calcium gluconate-by complex metric
- Sodium chloride-by Modified Volhard's method
- Ascorbic acid by Iodometry
- Ibuprofen by alkalimetry
- Fundamentals of preparative organic chemistry :-
- Determination of Melting point and boiling point of organic compounds
- Preparation of organic compounds :-
- Benzoic acid from Benzamides
- Picric acid from Phenol
- Identification and test for purity of pharmaceuticals :-
- Aspirin
- Caffeine
- Paracetamol
- Sulfanilamide
- Systematic Qualitative analysis experiments (4 substances)
3. Pharmacognosy
Pharmacognosy is a Subject of D Pharma 1st Year. Its Syllabus is
divided in THEORY and
Check out the Syllabus.
Chapter | Header |
1. | History of Pharmacognosy |
2. |
3. | Quality Control of Crude Drugs |
4. |
5. | Biological source, chemical constituents and therapeutic efficacy of Crude Drugs |
6. | Plant Fibres used as a Surgical Dressings |
7. |
8. | Role of medicinal and aromatic plants |
9. | Herbs as health food |
10. | Introduction to herbal formulations |
11. | Herbal cosmetics |
12. | Phytochemical investigation of drugs |
- Morphological Identification of the following drugs :
- Ispaghula
- Senna
- Coriander
- Fennel
- Cardamom
- Ginger
- Nutmeg
- Black Pepper
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Ephedra
- Rauwolfia
- Gokhru
- Punarnava
- Cinchona
- Agar.
- Gross anatomical studies (Transverse Section) of the following drugs :
- Ajwain
- Datura
- Cinnamon
- Cinchona
- Coriander
- Ashwagandha
- Liquorice
- Clove
- Curcuma
- Nux vomica
- Vasaka
- Physical and chemical tests for evaluation of any FIVE of the following :-
- Asofoetida
- Benzoin
- Pale catechu
- Black catechu
- Castor oil
- Acacia
- Tragacanth,
- Agar
- Guar gum
- Gelatine.
4. HAP
Human Anatomy and Physiology is a Subject of D Pharma 1st Year. Its
Syllabus is divided in
Check out the Syllabus.
Chapter | Topic |
1. | Scope of Anatomy and Physiology |
2. | Structure of Cells |
3. | Tissues of the human body |
4. | Osseous system: |
5. | Haemopoietic system |
6. | Lymphatic system |
7. | Cardiovascular system |
8. | Respiratory system |
9. | Digestive system |
10. | Skeletal muscles |
11. | Nervous system |
12. | Sense organs |
13. | Urinary system |
14. | Endocrine system |
15. | Reproductive system |
- Study of compound microscope
- General techniques for the collection of blood
- Microscopic examination of Epithelial tissue, Cardiac muscle, Smooth muscle, Skeletal muscle, Connective tissue, and Nervous tissue of ready / pre-prepared slides.
- Study of Human Skeleton-Axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton
- Determination of :-
- Blood group
- Hemoglobin content of blood
- Bleeding time and Clotting time
- Determination of WBC count of blood
- Determination of RBC count of blood
- Determination of Differential count of blood
- Recording of Blood Pressure in various postures, different arms, before and after exertion and interpreting the results
- Recording of Body temperature (using mercury, digital and IR thermometers at various locations), Pulse rate/ Heart rate (at various locations in the body, before and after exertion), Respiratory Rate
- Recording Pulse Oxygen (before and after exertion)
- Recording force of air expelled using Peak Flow Meter
- Measurement of height, weight, and BMI
- Study of various systems and organs with the help of chart, models, and specimens
- Cardiovascular system
- Respiratory system
- Digestive system
- Urinary system
- Endocrine system
- Reproductive system
- Nervous system
- Eye
- Ear
- Skin
5. Social Pharmacy
Social Pharmacy is a Subject of D Pharma 1st Year. Its Syllabus is
divided in THEORY and PRACTICAL part. Let Check out the Syllabus.
Chapter | Topics |
1. | Introduction to Social Pharmacy |
2. | Preventive healthcare – Role of Pharmacists |
3. | Nutrition and Health |
4. | Introduction to Microbiology and common microorganisms |
5. | Introduction to health systems and all ongoing National Health programs in India |
6. | Pharmacoeconomics |
- National immunization schedule for children, adult vaccine schedule, Vaccines which are not included in the National Immunization Program.
- RCH - reproductive and child health - nutritional aspects, relevant national health programmes.
- Family planning devices.
- Microscopical observation of different microbes (readymade slides)
- Oral Health and Hygiene
- Personal hygiene and etiquettes – hand washing techniques, Cough and sneeze etiquettes.
- Various types of masks, PPE gear, wearing/using them, and disposal.
- Menstrual hygiene, products used
- First Aid - Theory, basics, demonstration, hands on training, audio-visuals, and practice, BSL (Basic Life Support) Systems [SCA - Sudden Cardiac Arrest, FBAO - Foreign Body Airway Obstruction, CPR, Defibrillation (using AED) (Includes CPR techniques, First Responder).
- Emergency treatment for all medical emergency cases viz. snake bite, dog bite, insecticide poisoning, fractures, burns, epilepsy etc.
- Role of Pharmacist in Disaster Management.
- Marketed preparations of disinfectants, antiseptics, fumigating agents, antilarval agents, mosquito repellents, etc.
- Health Communication: Audio / Video podcasts, Images, Power Point Slides, Short Films, etc. in regional language(s) for mass communication / education / Awareness on 5 different communicable diseases, their signs and symptoms, and prevention.
- Water purification techniques, use of water testing kit, calculation of Content/percentage of KMnO4, bleaching powder to be used for wells/tanks
- Counselling children on junk foods, balanced diets – using Information, Education and Communication (IEC), counselling, etc. (Simulation Experiments).
- Preparation of various charts on nutrition, sources of various nutrients from Locally available foods, calculation of caloric needs of different groups (e.g. child, mother, sedentary lifestyle, etc.). Chart of glycemic index of foods.
- Tobacco cessation, counselling, identifying various tobacco containing products through charts/pictures.
D Pharma 1st Year Subjects 2022-2023
D Pharma [ Diploma in Pharmacy ] is a two year Pharmacy course.
D Pharma include 5 subjects in its D Pharma 1st Year. The subjects are
mention below :-
S.No | Subjects |
1. | Pharmaceutics |
2. | PH Chemistry |
3. | Pharmacognosy |
4. | HAP |
5. | Social Pharmacy |
FAQs of D Pharma 1st Year Syllabus
How many subjects are there in the D Pharmacy 1st Year course?
Ans.1 D Pharmacy 1st year Syllabus includes a total of five
subjects. These are :-
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmacognosy
- Human Anatomy and Physiology and
- Social Pharmacy.
Ques.2 What is passing marks in D Pharmacy ?
Ans.2 Minimum passing marks of the D Pharmacy course is 40%. If a
student is unable to score the 40% marks then she/he is declared as failed
in the result.
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Carewell Pharmacy
website only information and educational purposes for pharmacy students.
We collect all these Materials/ Syllabus/ information for our audience
from the internet and other sources.
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