Are you a student of B. Pharmacy ? Are you doing preparation of the upcoming examination of Pathophysiology ? Are you want Previous Year Question Papers of Pathophysiology. If the answer is Yes then you are at the right article.
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Let start with Intro :-
Pathophysiology is the subject of B Pharmacy Semester 2 which deals with the studies of causes of disease and reaction of the body to such disease producing causes. This course is designed to impart knowledge of relevant aspect of pathology of various condition with reference to its pharmacological applications and understanding of basic pathophysiological mechanism.
The previous year question papers is uploaded by Carewell Pharmacy which is based on RUHS [ Rajasthan University of Health Science ] and AKTU [ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University ]
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Previous Year Question Papers of Pathophysiology [ 2019 ]
- Differentiate between atrophy and hypertrophy.
- Explain symptoms and prevention of syphilis.
- Name various inflammatory mediators.
- Define Dysplasia.
- Define Gout.
- Give risk factor in development of atherosclerosis.
- Enlist chemotactic agent responsible for migration of leucocytes acute inflammation.
- Name different type of Epilepsy.
- Why there is cell swelling during cell injury ?
- Write clinical symptoms of ischemic heart disease.
- Discuss causes of cell injury.
- Differentiate between acute and chronic renal failure.
- Define anemia. Enlist its type. Discuss megaloblastic anemia.
- Discuss inflammatory mediators in pathogenesis of asthma.
- Discuss endogenous causes of peptic ulcer.
- Discuss symptom and pathogenesis of hyperthyroidism.
- What is stroke ? Discuss its pathogenesis.
- Discuss pathophysiology of osteoporosis.
- Explain basic mechanism involved in would healing in skin.
Previous Year Question Papers of Pathophysiology [ 2020 ] [AKTU]
- Define cellular adaptation.
- What are intracellular accumulation ?
- Describe Myocardial infraction in brief.
- Give a short note on Hemophilia.
- Define Angiogenesis.
- Write a note on role of interleukins in inflammation process.
- Give a short note on hypothyroidism and possible reason for its development.
- Tuberculosis
- Write short note on ulcerative colitis.
- Discuss the sign and symptoms of Leprosy.
- Write in detail the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease. Explain intrinsic and extrinsic pathway.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
- Explain the process of apoptosis. Elaborate extrinsic and intrinsic pathways.
- Give the pathophysiology of Asthma.
- Define Anemia. Elaborate Iron Deficiency Anemia.
- Give the pathophysiology of Epilepsy. Explain its various types.
- Define Ulcers. Explain the process of ulcer development.
- Differentiate between rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Explain the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis.
- Describe the pathways of development of Cancer.
- Explain the pathophysiology of AIDs.
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