Do you have the upcoming examination of Human anatomy and Physiology II ? Did you not even find the Previous Year Question Papers of HAP II ? If your answer is Yes, then not to worry any more.
Carewell Pharmacy is here to help you in the preparation of the Human Anatomy and Physiology II examination which will help you to score good marks in your subject.
Carewell Pharmacy is a Educational Blog website which provide examination materials to the students for the better preparation of their examinations.
Lets Start with the Intro :-
Human Anatomy and Physiology II is the subject of B Pharmacy Semester 2 which is intended to impart fundamental knowledge on the structure and performance of assorted systems of the physique. It also help in understanding both homeostatic mechanism. The topic provides the essential knowledge required to know the assorted disciplines of pharmacy.
The previous year question papers is uploaded by Carewell Pharmacy which is based on RUHS [ Rajasthan University of Health Science ] and AKTU [ Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University ].
There is a Table of Content given below which help you to find out your required Year Question Paper. You can click on particular year which you want to redirect.
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Previous Year Question Papers of HAP II [ 2018 ]
- Define Electrophysiology.
- What is Cushing's syndrome.
- What is action potential.
- What is Vital capacity.
- What are the function of cerebrum ?
- What is the role of Insulin and Glucagon ?
- Write various function of liver.
- Write various function of cerebellum.
- What is Oogenesis ?
- What is Micturition reflex ?
- Write the function of hormones secreted by pituitary gland.
- Elaborate the role of RAS in kidney.
- Explain the structure and function of spinal cord.
- Explain physiology of menstruation.
- Write the role of ATP.
- Explain protein synthesis.
- Describe various factors affecting respiration.
- Explain Reflex activity.
- Classify and write the properties of Nerve fibre.
Previous Year Question Papers of HAP II [ 2019 ] [ AKTU ]
- What do you mean by residual volume and inspiratory reserve volume?
- Define autocrine and paracrine gland.
- Explain the role of CCK and secretin in intestinal phase of digestion.
- Discuss any two functions of cerebellum.
- Define net filtration pressure.
- Write in brief about brush border enzyme.
- Thyroxin hormone is released by cells of gland.
- Mention any two functions of hypothalamus.
- What do you mean by gametogenesis?
- The two hemisphere of cerebrum are connected with a mass of white fibers known as
- Explain mechanism of respiration with special emphasis on transport of oxygen from lungs to other parts of body.
- What are the different parts of human brain? Discuss anatomy and physiology of cerebrum.
- Outline various parts of digestive system. Discuss the anatomy and physiology of small intestine.
- Discuss the mechanism of Neurophumoral transmission in CNS.
- Discuss synthesis, secretion and regulation of acid secretion in stomach.
- Write a note on female reproductive cycle (menstrual cycle) & its regulation.
- Explain synthesis, storage, secretion and regulation of thyroid hormone.
- Discuss in detail about structure of liver and role of bile juice in digestion.
- Discuss in detail about Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System.
- Define reflex action. Describe various components of reflex arc.
Previous Year Question Papers of HAP II [ 2020 ]
- What is reflex action ?
- Define tidal volume.
- What is the role of pepsin in protein digestion.
- Define fertilization and parturition.
- What is the role of thyroid glands ?
- Give the role of R.A.S.
- Define action potential.
- Define the principle of exchange of respiratory gases.
- Give various function of saliva.
- What is the composition of D.N.A.
- Give the structure and function of spinal cord.
- Explain the function of liver.
- Describe the process of protein synthesis in details.
- Write the function of different hormones and adrenal gland.
- Give the structure and function of cerebrum.
- Describe the formation and role of A.T.P.
- Explain neurotransmitter.
- Define hormone and explain mechanism of their action.
- Write about any two disorder of each G.I.T. and kidney.
Previous Year Question Papers of HAP II [ 2021 ]
- Give the two function of C.S.F.
- Write four neurotransmitter of the brain.
- Write abnormal constitute of Urine.
- Write hormone secreted by thyroid gland.
- Addison's disease and Cushing syndrome.
- Blood brain barrier
- Total lung capacity
- Three function of Large intestine
- Function of Glucagon and Insulin
- Chromosome
- Discuss the propagation of nerve impulse along the neuron.
- Discuss the function of liver.
- Explain the transport of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide in blood.
- Write a note on the hormones of Hypothalamus.
- Explain the physiology of menstruation.
- Write a note on protein synthesis.
- Write composition and function of Pancreatic juice.
- Describe structure and functions of spinal cord.
- Write a note on spermatogenesis.
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