It is confirm that you are searching for the Previous Year Question Papers of Pharmacognosy I. If am i right, then you must be a student of B. Pharmacy. If you looking for question paper then you are at the right article which will provide you the question papers.
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Lets Start with the intro :-
Pharmacognosy I is the subject of B Pharmacy 4 Semester which
involves the fundamental like scope, classification of crude drugs, their
identification and evaluation, phytochemicals present in them and their
medicinal properties.
The previous year question papers is uploaded by Carewell Pharmacy which is based on RUHS [ Rajasthan University of Health Science ].
There is a Table of Content given below which help you to find out your required Year Question Paper. You can click on particular year which you want to redirect.
💡 Table of Content |
Previous Year Question Papers of Pharmacognosy I [ 2020 ]
Ques.1 Answer the questions in very short [ 5*2=10 ]
- Define Pharmacognosy.
- Define Hybridization.
- Define edible vaccines.
- Give two identification test for glycosides.
- Give the sources of Agar and Papain.
Ques.2 Answer the questions in very short [ 5*2=10 ]
- Define Polyploidy.
- What are Teratogens.
- Give the source of Natural allergens and Tragacanth.
- Define organized and unorganized drugs.
- Define Taxonomical and morphological classification of Drugs.
Answer (any two) questions in Long Answer [ 2*10=20 ]
Ques.3 What do you understand by plant tissue culture ?
Give its application in Pharmacognosy.
Ques.4 Enlist the factor influencing cultivation of medicinal
plants. Give the various sources of crude drugs with suitable
Ques.5 What is quantitative microscopy ? Write in detail about
the Lycopodium spore method, leaf-constant and camera Lucida.
Ques.6 Answer (any four) question in short
answer [ 4*5=20 ]
- Discuss the scope and development of Pharmacognosy.
- Write down the identification test for alkaloids.
- Give the biological source, chemical nature and uses of Cotton and Jute.
- Give the role of Pharmacognosy in allopathy and traditional system of medicines.
- Write a note on novel medicinal agents from marine source.
Ques.7 Answer (any three) question in short
answer [ 3*5=15 ]
- Explain various organoleptic character found in crude drugs.
- Write a note on gelatin and wool fat.
- Give the identification test of volatile oils and tannins.
- Give the plant hormones along with their application.
Previous Year Question Papers of Pharmacognosy I [ 2021 ]
Ques.1 Answer the questions in very short [ 5*2=10 ]
- Define Pharmacognosy.
- Pharmacognosy is derived from two Greek words ______ and ______.
- Define Organized Drugs.
- Define Unorganized Drugs.
- Define adulteration of crude drugs.
Ques.2 Answer the questions in very short [ 5*2=10 ]
- Write advantages of cultivation of medicinal plants.
- Enumerate various method of pest control.
- Define plant tissue culture.
- Explain Callus culture.
- Discuss various application of plant tissue culture.
Answer (any two) questions in Long Answer [ 2*10=20 ]
Ques.3 Discuss in detail about the classification of crude
Ques.4 Define cultivation and discuss various factor affecting
cultivation of medicinal plants.
Ques.5 Discuss in details about various application of plant
tissue culture in Pharmacognosy.
Ques.6 Answer (any four) question in short
answer [ 4*5=20 ]
- Write a note on Ayurvedic system of medicine.
- Define alkaloids and explain their properties of function.
- Define fibers and classify them.
- Explain in brief about the source, chemistry and method of extraction of any one lipid containing drug.
- Write a note as storage of crude drugs.
- Explain the suspension culture.
- Define glycosides. Explain their properties.
- Write botanical source, chemical constitute and uses of Acacia.
- Write botanical source, chemical constitute and uses of Wool fat.
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