Pharmacognosy is the subject of D Pharmacy Ist Year. If you a student of D Pharmacy Ist year and you have an upcoming examination of Pharmacognosy then you must check out the Pharmacognosy Important Question for the better preparation of the examination.

In this blog post, you will find out the Pharmacognosy Important Question which will help you for the better performance in the Pharmacognosy examination.
Without wasting the time, Lets start with the introduction.

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Pharmacognosy Important Question | D Pharmacy Ist Year

Pharmacognosy is the subject of D Pharmacy First Year. It consist of 100 Marks which is divided further into Main Exam [ 80 Marks ] and Sessional Exam [ 20 Marks ]. For passing the Pharmacognosy subject, a total of 40% Marks i.e. 40 Marks is required.

Pharmacognosy Important Question

Scoring 40% marks in Pharmacognosy is not a big deal but it is also not so easy. You have to do well preparation for your examination for the better marks.

Pharmacognosy Important Question [ Long Question ]

  1. Write the isolation method, identification test and therapeutic uses of any two :-
    1. Alkaloids
    2. Glycosides
    3. Volatile oils

  2. Define the surgical material and their identification test and uses any two
    1. Silk
    2. Cotton
    3. Wool

  3. Define the scope of Pharmacognosy and give the details about classification of drugs.
  4. Define and classify the categories of drugs with suitable example of any two-
    1. Laxative
    2. Anti- hypertensive
    3. Diuretics

  5. Define and classify the categories of drugs with suitable example of any two-
    1. Antiseptics and disinfectant
    2. Anti-tumor
    3. Carminative and G.I regulators

  6. Define the adulteration and write different methods of adulteration with examples.
  7. Define and classify the drugs which are acting on Nervous system by selecting any two examples-
    1. Opium
    2. Ephedra
    3. Belladonna
    4. Coca.

Pharmacognosy Important Question [ Short Question ]

  1. Write the short notes on, basic principle traditional medicine of Ayurveda.
  2. Define any three terms :-
    1. Pre-biotic
    2. Pro-biotic
    3. Nutraceuticals
    4. Antioxidants

  3. Discuss about source, chemical constituents, and uses of any three drugs :-
    1. Olive oil
    2. Sandle wood oil
    3. Aloe Vera gel
    4. Almonds oil.

  4. Define the aromatic plants uses and their examples.
  5. Define the preparation method of any three :-
    1. Churna
    2. Gutika
    3. Arista
    4. Bhasma

  6. What are vitamins? And write the different uses of Cod liver oil in pharmaceuticals.
  7. Define the Cardio tonic with suitable examples.
  8. Write an essay on Herbal preparation.
  9. Define any three-
    1. Omega-3-fatty acids
    2. Ipecacuanha
    3. Ashwagandha

  10. Draw the morphological aspects diagram-
    1. Fennel
    2. Clove
    3. Cinnamon
    4. Cardamom

  11. Discuss different suturing materials.

Pharmacognosy Important Question [ MCQs ]

  1. Olive oil gives fluorescence of colour
    1. Red white 
    2. Golden yellow
    3. Crimson red
    4. Whitish blue

  2. Fixed oil which is soluble in alcohol is
    1. Arachis oil
    2. Mustard oil
    3. Castor oil
    4. Chaulmoogra oil

  3. Vasaka contains____basic moiety.
    1. Quinazoline
    2. Quinoline
    3. Isoquinoline
    4. Steroidal

  4. Which of the following drug is not from Apocyanaceae ?
    1. Nux vomica
    2. Vinca
    3. Strophanthus
    4. Rauwolfia

  5. Raymond's test is used for identification of
    1. Cardiac glycoside
    2. Alkaloids
    3. Deoxysugar
    4. All of the above

  6. Gokhru is used as_______
    1. Hypoglycemic agent
    2. Expectorant agent
    3. Diuretic agent
    4. Cardio tonic agent

  7. Synonym of Rutin is
    1. Vitamin H
    2. Vitamin A
    3. Vitamin D
    4. Vitamin P

  8. The family of Gokhru
    1. Liliaceae
    2. Cucurbitaceae
    3. Zygophyllaceae
    4. Araliaceae

  9. Garlic comes under _____ family
    1. Rutaceae
    2. Zingiberaceae
    3. Liliaceae
    4. Labitae

  10. Clove belongs to the family
    1. Myrtaceae
    2. Liliaceae
    3. Taxaceae
    4. Labitae